Bookish Romance
You loved books about sports.
I loved books about animals.
You read Hardy Boys.
I read American Girls.
You thought you were a nerd for reading each Harry Potter book twice?
Well I read them thrice.
In your courtship letters,
Your summer reading included:
No Country for Old Men
On the Road
The Shipping News.
That was sexy.
You loved the Great Gatsby in high school.
I did not.
You read Jane Eyre for me.
I read Slaughterhouse-Five for you.
Now I read poetry.
And you,
economic text books.
I prefer audiobooks.
You prefer paperbacks.
You read obsessively.
I read consistently.
Sitting side by side at the airport,
You reading Agatha Christie,
Me reading John Steinbeck,
I think to myself,
This is what love looks like.